
技术Kinect正文.[视频]XboxOneKinect2拆解视频.2014-01-09分类:Kinect阅读(6603)评论(0)赞(0).源视频应该来自Youtube吧~.赞(0).,RippingintoMicrosoft'svoice,vision,andmotioncontrolaccessoryyieldssomeinterestinginsights.Herearethehighlights:Thiscablecomes ...,iFixit對新Kinect感測器維修難易度的評分為8分。其中能輕鬆更換風扇以及簡潔模組化的設計帶來加分。焊死的3組紅外線發射器、隱藏在不可撕毀保固貼紙下 ...,...

[视频]Xbox One Kinect2 拆解视频

技术 Kinect 正文. [视频]Xbox One Kinect2 拆解视频. 2014-01-09 分类:Kinect 阅读(6603) 评论(0) 赞(0). 源视频应该来自Youtube吧~. 赞(0).

Kinect 2.0 Teardown

Ripping into Microsoft's voice, vision, and motion control accessory yields some interesting insights. Here are the highlights: This cable comes ...

iFixit 公布Xbox One 與新Kinect 拆解報告一窺次世代新主機內部構造

iFixit 對新Kinect 感測器維修難易度的評分為8 分。其中能輕鬆更換風扇以及簡潔模組化的設計帶來加分。焊死的3 組紅外線發射器、隱藏在不可撕毀保固貼紙下 ...

Xbox One Kinect Teardown

Learn how to repair your Xbox One Kinect with this video overview. This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your Xbox One Kinect, use our service manual.

Remove cable from Kinect 2 - Xbox One Kinect

You need to disassemble the Kinect to get it back in, push it through the fan cage, I actually removed the shock gasket as well.


The Kinect version one uses an infrared laser diode to project what's called a speckle pattern—basically random dots–on objects in front of it.

Xbox One Kinect Teardown

The first major difference we noticed for the new Kinect is that it's connected by a fairly hefty cable - no WiFi anymore. The unit is basically ...

Xbox One Kinect 2.0 tear down and repair guide. Cleaning out dust.

You can get privacy camera covers on Amazon: ...

XBox One Kinect Sensor Teardown Disassembly Tutorial

Ein ausführliches Tutorial zum Öffnen und Zerlegen des XBox One Kinect-Sensors mit Einblick auf die wichtigsten Komponenten (Kamera, Sensor, ...

Kinect 2.0 Repair

Очень частая причина поломки кинекта - вылет термопредохранителя J11 на 102°C. В этом видео я покажу как разобрать Kinect 2.0 (Xbox One) и ...